Marketing Automation: The Business Success Tool for Digital Marketers
Marketing Automation, The Business Success Tool, Digital Marketersบทคัดย่อ
The digital age continuously creates change in today's world as technological developments have resulted in people changing the way they shop for goods or services. Most consumers spend their time exploring the digital world to communicate and interact with more people online. The marketing process in the digital age plays a very important role in creating awareness of products and services in order to reach engagement with customers, and strengthen sales by using various strategies through digital media. Processes rely on numerical measurements. make the marketing process change. Different work processes rely on numerical measurement to transform the marketing process. This has evolved from memorization or writing becoming more systematic to use of software applications to help manage more systems. However, under the technological process, it still relies on human labor at almost every step, and with the exponential growth of technology and the Internet, along with the increasingly complex consumer behavior under Marketing Automation Concept, which results in the need for marketing management systems to adapt to meet the increasing complexity of consumers in all dimensions. It also generates the greatest benefits in the digital era as it is today by applying software to manage marketing activities automatically for saving energy, saving time and increasing profits for the business, as well as creating a new marketing to reduce the risk of the 2019 coronavirus crisis, all of which are considered to be the most efficient way of doing business.
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