News reporting to promote the human rights of people in vulnerable situations

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Alongkorn Parivudhiphongs


In general, news reporting regarding people in vulnerable situations is not considered a popular topic for a newsroom issue when compared to other types of news. This research aims to study the contents of news that promotes and protects human rights of four vulnerable people in Thailand, namely the elderly, LGBTQ, people with disabilities, and ethnic groups. Samplings were selected from 12 sources, including mainstream quality newspapers, popular newspapers, and online news agencies, which have been distributed to the public between July and December 2018, totaling 753 news.

The research shows that in most cases, editors of quality newspapers and online media are more highly interested in stories of vulnerable people that popular newspaper. But it does not mean that popular newspapers do not give importance to this aspect. In addition, it finds that news sources from government and official agencies are used the most for formality, while there are few individual representatives of the group. The study also finds that the highest prominence on human rights coverage is emphasized on the social-quality of life dimension, followed by the economic-occupational dimension; meanwhile, political-citizenship dimension is less salient. The promotion of human rights appears in a reactive direction that reinforces or stresses on various dimensions, rather than a proactive direction that promotes or supports those dimensions.

The researcher suggests that to promote and protect the human rights of those in vulnerable situations, the news media should 1) adjust the journalistic convention by adding "human value" into "news value" 2) adjust quality by focusing on in-depth content and various news sources, and 3) add an emphasis on covering all dimensions of human rights.

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How to Cite
Parivudhiphongs, A. (2021). News reporting to promote the human rights of people in vulnerable situations. Journal of Communication and Integrated Media, 9(2), 60–92. Retrieved from
Research article


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