Forest Discourse and Ideology in Thai Society

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Kamonrat Phetkhowkhiaw
Jantima Angkapanichkit


This research investigates how forrest is made sense of in various Thai public discourses and community discourses. Critical Discourse Analysis was employed to explore forest ideology in Thai society. Data consisted of texts from public documents and interview transcripts. Texts were comprised of six enforcement laws related to forest discourse and 48 news items concerning forest from newspapers published between June 2015 and June 2016. Interview data were collected from a community in Ban Phi Nua, Nan province, where the forest problem originated and was then widely publicized in the news. Results of the textual analysis found that referential devices, predication, modification and intertextuality were applied in discourse when negotiating meanings related to forest. These strategies conveyed both explicit and implicit meanings, including the ideology behind language use. It was also found that all voices about forest shared the same concept of naturalness, involving ecological and environmental concerns as dialogic relations to the global rather than local viewpoint.  


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Phetkhowkhiaw, K., & Angkapanichkit, J. (2020). Forest Discourse and Ideology in Thai Society. Journal of Liberal Arts Thammasat University, 20(2), 104–141.
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