
  • Worapot Visedsiri Social studies, Faculty of Education and Liberal Arts, HatYai University
  • Patcharin Sermkarndee Social studies, Faculty of Education and Liberal Arts, HatYai University
  • Pornpen Amnuaykit Social studies, Faculty of Education and Liberal Arts, HatYai University


Development, Diaspora, Southeast Asia


The concept and development of diaspora in Southeast Asia The objective is to study the concept and development of diaspora in Southeast Asia. Using the study method from preliminary research documents. and thesis Concerning the concept and development of diaspora in Southeast Asia. The study found that The development of migration in Southeast Asia from the ancient states to the modern state has various factors, including the factors of urban expansion in ancient times. Living factors War factors in the modern world and political factors which is an important cause of international migration

There is also a debate about the use of the term Diaspora that is not limited to people or communities in displacement but can also describe other social forms. It is proposed to reconsider the view of diaspora in the context of refugee migration and cross-border movement of people, which creates new forms of diaspora that are different from the original model, especially in the case of the development of migration in Southeast Asia from ancient to modern states. There are various factors such as urban expansion in ancient times, lifestyle factors, war factors in the modern world, and political factors that are important causes of international migration.


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How to Cite

Visedsiri, W., Sermkarndee, P., & Amnuaykit, P. (2025). THE CONCEPT AND DEVELOPMENT OF DIASPORA IN SOUTHEAST ASIA. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 14(1), 1–13. retrieved from