Format Development, Activities Organizing, Buddhist Tourism FestivalAbstract
This research article has the objective 1. identify a prototype area, 2. synthesize and develop through participatory action research, and 3. propose a model for organizing Buddhist tourism festival activities in Phitsanulok Province. A qualitative research approach was employed, including workshops with 14 community leaders and representatives, as well as focus group discussions with 10 experts. Content analysis was used for qualitative data, while quantitative data were collected through questionnaires on satisfaction levels from 400 residents in Mueang Phitsanulok District and analyzed using percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
The findings revealed the following: 1. The prototype area exhibited readiness across six dimensions, aligning with the six principles of Saraniyadhamma, fostering shared vision and goals focused on sustainable knowledge and faith development for Buddhist festival activities among local communities. 2. The discovered process comprised four stages (Initiate, Act, Certify, Reflect) and seven steps: 1. Initiate, involving Engage (understanding the context and root causes), Map (setting shared goals), and Plan (assessing community potential); 2. Act, including Organize (resource allocation and activity planning) and Work (execution within a suitable timeframe); 3. Certify, involving Evaluate (assessing satisfaction and participation); and 4. Reflect, comprising Reflect (identifying changes, understanding cultural differences, and building networks at individual, organizational, and community levels). 3. The researcher and the prototype community collaboratively designed the inaugural "1st Phra Si Ratanathat Buddhist Robe Offering Ceremony." The evaluation results showed a high level of overall satisfaction ( =4.168, S.D.=0.243). Lessons learned were synthesized into the SAMOKHAE for JI-MUEANG framework, emphasizing collaboration for sustainable Buddhist tourism festival development in Phitsanulok Province.
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