Heritage Tree, Yang Na, Champakao, Participation , AppreciationAbstract
This research aims to: 1. study the level of public participation in caring for heritage trees and their appreciation of heritage trees, 2. compare public participation in caring for and valuing heritage trees, and 3. provide recommendations for the conservation of heritage trees in Nakhon Thai District, Phitsanulok Province. The study employs a quantitative research methodology, collecting data through questionnaires from a sample of 310 individuals. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, with hypothesis testing conducted using one-way ANOVA. The findings are presented through descriptive analysis supported by statistical tables.
The results of the study indicate that the overall level of public participation in caring for heritage trees was high. The highest mean score was observed in participation in tree ordination ceremonies or tree planting activities. Regarding the level of appreciation of heritage trees, the overall perception was rated at the highest level. The item with the highest mean score was the recognition of heritage trees as a medium for cultural identity preservation. The hypothesis testing results revealed that the mean scores for participation in caring for heritage trees differed significantly based on the duration of residence in the community and occupation. Regarding the appreciation of heritage trees, significant differences were found based on the respondents' place of origin. In terms of ranking recommendations for public participation in heritage tree conservation, the top three recommendations out of 11 were: 1. educating local children and youth, 2. creating signage to indicate the locations of heritage trees, and 3. promoting cultural tourism activities in the area.
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