Potential, Fuel Business Management, Principles of InfluenceAbstract
This research aims to study 1. the management potential of fuel business executives in Bangkok and its vicinity, 2. factors affecting the management potential of fuel business executives in Bangkok and its vicinity, and 3. propose the development of Buddhist management potential of fuel business executives in Bangkok and its vicinity. The mixed-method research was quantitative. The sample consisted of 354 fuel business executives. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and stepwise multiple regression. The qualitative research consisted of in-depth interviews with 20 key informants and focus group discussions with 8 key informants, including fuel business executives, public administration scholars, executives of the Department of Energy, and experts in Buddhism. The data was analyzed using content analysis.
The research results found that 1. The management potential of fuel business executives in Bangkok and its vicinity showed that management and the principle of Ithipath Dhamma were at a high level. 2. Factors affecting management potential showed that management principles and the principle of Ithipath Dhamma had a joint influence on the management potential of fuel business executives. At the 0.01 statistical significance level 3. Development of Buddhist management potential of fuel business executives in Bangkok and its vicinity is 1. able to manage and use people, should promote and develop people 2. good at financial and cost management, prepare budget plans 3. able to manage business diversity, should build a team 4. create engagement with customers and stakeholders, should respond to customer needs 5. manage change and agility, create readiness to adapt and 6. add special skills to promote work, such as communication skills, and digital skills.
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