Augmented Reality, Self-Care Behaviors, ElderlyAbstract
The purposes of this research were 1. to study the health self-care behavior of the elderly. 2. to develop of learning management model with augmented reality. 3. to develop augmented reality. 4. to monitor the health care behaviors of the elderly. The sample group was divided into 2 groups 1) The 15 samples for developing the learning model were composed of academic scholars, educational technology scholars, and health promotion scholars chosen by Purposive Sampling 2) The 30 samples for studying the health self-care behavior were the elderly in Bangkok and vicinity that the age was 60 years and over chosen by voluntary of the elderly. The research instruments included 1) Elderly self-care behavior questionnaire. 2) Learning model with augmented reality. 3) Augmented reality technology media. 4) Augmented reality technology media evaluation form. The statistical methods used for data analysis were percentage, mean and standard deviation.
The results of the research were as follows: 1. The health care behavior of the elderly, including all 4 aspects, is at a high level. 2) The learning management model with augmented reality technology to improve self-care behaviors of the elderly consists of 3 components: acquiring knowledge, designing a life schedule, and making a daily routine. 3. The content of Augmented reality media consisted of 4 topics: Healthy Food, Head to Toe Exercise, the results of content quality evaluation by experts that the quality is at a good level. The results of media quality evaluation by experts that the quality is at a good level. 4. The results of monitoring health care behaviors of the elderly after learning with augmented reality media revealed that the elderly's self-care behavior after learning for 1 week increased from before learning.
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