Organizing Problem-Based Learning Activities, Critical Reading, Creative Problem SolvingAbstract
Objectives of this research article were: 1. To study the people’s expectations from the Ratchaburi Hospital service. 2. To study the satisfaction level of the public towards the services provided by Ratchaburi Hospital. 3. To study the Ratchaburi Hospital services and service expectation comparison, and 4. To propose a useful guideline based on the people’s expectations, conducted by the quantitative research. Data were collected from 399 samples consisting of Thai citizens aged 18 and above who have used the services of Ratchaburi Hospital, Data were collected through questionnaires, and analyzed using statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and a comparison of satisfaction and expectations towards the services provided by Ratchaburi Hospital using Paired Sample T-test.
The research findings indicated the following results: 1.The overall level of expectation of the public from the services provided by Ratchaburi Hospital was at the highest level in all aspects. 2. The overall level of satisfaction among the public regarding the services provided by Ratchaburi Hospital was at high level. 3. When comparing the services received by the public from Ratchaburi Hospital with their expectations, it was found that the overall mean values of satisfaction and expectation were significantly different at the 0.05 level. 4. Guidelines for providing services as expected by the public. It meant organizing the service system to reduce waiting times, adding convenient and fast servicing points, introducing innovations to promote service delivery, and maintaining good treatment standards.
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