Building Image, Medium-Sized Primary School, Parents OpinionsAbstract
The objectives of this study were 1. to study the level of parents’ opinions of students about the image of medium-sized primary schools under Ang Thong Primary Education Area Office, 2. to compare parents’ opinions about the image of medium-sized primary schools classified by gender, age, education level, and occupation, 3. to study the priorities building the image of medium-sized primary schools according to the parents’ opinions. This research is quantitative. The sample was comprised of 332 parents selected by multi-stage random sampling. The instrument was a 5-rating scale questionnaire with 0.941 reliability. Statistics used include frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, mode, t-test, one-way ANOVA.
The results showed that 1. the level of parental opinion about the image of medium-sized primary schools was very agreeable. When considering each aspect, it was found that all 4 aspects were at a very agreeable level. By professional personnel, it had the highest average followed by management excellence in social and community services. In terms of student quality, the average was the lowest. 2. Comparing parents' opinions classified by gender, age, education level and occupation, it was statistically significant difference at the .05 level. 3. The order of image building of medium-sized primary schools found that parents put professional personnel first. Secondly, the quality of students equals the management excellence. Social services and community did not appear in 1 of the top 10 priorities.
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