The Influence of Internal Supervision, Teacher Competency, Active Learning, Small Educational InstitutionsAbstract
Objectives of this research article were: 1. To study the conditions of schools’ internal supervision for active learning management of small educational institutions. 2. To study teacher competencies in active learning management in small educational institutions. 3. To study the relationship between internal supervision on active learning management and teacher competencies in active learning management. 4. To study the influence level of schools’ internal supervision on active learning management affecting teacher competencies in active learning management. Methodology was quantitative research. The population was 112 heads of 8 departments or representatives. The tool used was a questionnaire. Data were analyzed by distribution of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis.
The results of this research were as follows: 1. The level of internal supervision operations was at high level. The aspect with the most practical level was the internal supervision operation. 2. The overall practice of teachers’ functional competencies was at high level. The aspect in which teachers have the most competence is teacher leadership 3. The relationship between school internal supervision on active learning management and functional competencies of teachers in active learning management was found to be correlated positively at high level. The correlation coefficient was 0.862 with statistically significant value at 0.05 levels. 4. The school internal supervision on active learning management has a significant influence on functional competencies of teachers in active learning management the ability to jointly predict functional competencies of teachers in active learning management at 68 percent and with statistically significant level of .05.
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