Instructional Model, Schema Theory, Scaffolding, English Critical ReadingAbstract
This research article aimed to develop and to study the effectiveness of an instructional model based on Schema Theory and Scaffolding to enhance English critical reading abilities for upper secondary students, conducted by the research and development. The sample consisted of 35 upper secondary students purposefully selected who studied at Mae Ai Wittayakom School in second semester of the 2022 academic year. The research instruments were an instructional model based on Schema Theory and Scaffolding to enhance English critical reading abilities for upper secondary students and English critical reading abilities test. Data were collected by using experimental and data analysis methods. The data was analyzed by using mean standard deviation, t-test dependent and content analysis.
The results of the research were found that the students’ English critical reading abilities after learning with the model was higher than before at the .05 level of statistical significance and the students’ English critical reading abilities after learning with the model was higher than 70 percent criterion at the .05 level of statistical significance.
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