Development drama activities, Public Consciousness, Huahin schoolAbstract
The first objective of this research was to develop play performance activities based on King Rama VI’s guideline in order to employ the play performance process to cultivate public consciousness. The second objective was to examine and compare the accomplishments before and after adopting play performance activities to cultivate public consciousness. The research was conducted following these steps: 1) study and develop play performance activities to cultivate public consciousness, 2) examine the quality of play performance activities to cultivate public consciousness, and 3) explore the accomplishments before and after utilizing play performance activities to cultivate public consciousness. The sample comprised 31 students who were studying in Mattayom 5 at Hua Hin School in Hua Hin District, Prachuap Khiri Khan. The size of the sample, according to Neuman’s criteria, was 15% of the total population. The research instruments were a play performance activity plan for 8 sessions and a public consciousness assessment. Then, the collected data were analyzed using statistics, scores before and after the activities, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
The findings revealed that 1) the process of using the play performance activities to cultivate public consciousness development play performance activities based on King Rama VI’s guideline in order to employ the play performance process based on the basic education core curriculum, In subject thai classic dance develop to plan for 8 sessions by each activity can instill public consciousness in students 2) The comparison of the accomplishments before and after implementing the play performance activities to cultivate public consciousness indicated that the mean prior to the activities was 1.43 while the mean after the activities was 2.75.
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