
  • Warapat Rattanapanich Kasetsart University


Legal Problems, Family Law, Unmarried Fathers


The objectives of this research article were 1. studying on problems of unmarried fathers according with Thai law. 2. comparing and analysing problems of unmarried fathers between Thailand and Germany. 3. developing appropriate law of unmarried fathers. This research article was laws research conducting documentary research between Thai laws and Germany laws from code of law, textbooks, research papers, dissertations, relevant academic articles and then providing conclusions.          

The research results showed that 1. Thailand had no law of unmarried fathers. Consequently, the problems of custody occurred and was unfair. And the rights of unmarried fathers were inconsistent for best custody of child. 2. comparing and analyzing problems of unmarried fathers between Thailand and Germany has found that German Civil Code established on unmarried fathers that had rights of custody if unmarried fathers could proofed themselves to be the father. And, unmarried fathers has rights of contact and providing personal circumstances. But Thai law had not established for unmarried fathers. Thus, there were unfair and conflict of best interest of child. 3.After developing the appropriate law of unmarried fathers concerning the best interest of child, The Civil and Commercial Code of Thailand should be amended as follows 1) unmarried fathers has right of custody if unmarried fathers could proofed themselves to be the father. 2) unmarried fathers has rights of contact and providing child’s personal circumstances.


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How to Cite

Rattanapanich, W. (2023). LEGAL PROBLEMS ON UNMARRIED FATHERS. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 12(5), 304–316. retrieved from