Land Surface Temperature, Land Use, Geographic Information SystemAbstract
This research article aims to analyze land use change affecting land surface temperature in Chon Buri Province, which is an important area of the Eastern Economic Corridor development project by using Geographic Information System, ArcGIS program as a tool to analyze land use change, vegetation index, population density, Carbon Dioxide Emissions and land surface temperature during the year 2008 to 2018. The results of found that the agricultural area was reduced the most accounted for 5.12%, urban and build-up land increased the most accounted for 4.95%. All types of land use have higher land surface temperatures.
This caused the mean land surface temperature to rise from 29.54 °C to 30.90 °C, an increase of 1.36 °C. And areas with high land surface temperatures of 29.87-34.35°C, an increase of 37.92%, while the areas with a high vegetation index decreased by 19.97%, which was a decrease in forest areas in Sriracha, Ban Bueng and Bo Thong districts. The areas with high population density increased by 0.29%, mostly in the western part of Chon Buri Province, which has coastal areas from Muang District, Sriracha and Bang Lamung, which is the economic center. For areas with high levels of fossil fuel CO2 emissions increased by 0.51%, most were in urban and build-up land including industrial estates in Sriracha and Bang Lamung districts.
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