Collective Wisdom and Cultural Assets, Community Market, Tourism, Chai Nat ProvinceAbstract
This research article aims to analyze the wisdom and cultural capitals of the community flea market to promote tourism in Chainat Province and assess the potential of the community flea market in promoting tourism in Chainat Province. It is qualitative research. The key informant group was 10 people who were community leaders and people in the community involved in the development of the community flea market. The sample group was specifically specified. The research tool was an in-depth interview form.
The results showed that the wisdom and cultural capitals of the community flea market were diverse and distinctive, both tangible and intangible in 6 areas: 1) local food and seasonal food, focusing on the use of ingredients within the community, traditional cooking methods and inexpensiveness; 2) local products that reflect the creations from local materials in the central region; 3) local history as the route of King Chulalongkorn’s private travel; 4) beliefs and rituals influenced by temples, which are the location of the community flea market; 5) in terms of the form of shops, found 3 types, namely permanent shops, temporary shops. and semi-permanent shops; 6) local architecture which is ancient and beautiful. The potential of the community flea market to promote tourism was found that it has the potential to be developed into a tourist attraction that reflects its identity based on the community wisdom and culture that will lead to creating a tourism experience for tourists to come back to visit again.
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