
  • Krisada Prachumrasee Khon Kaen University
  • Sirisak Laochankham Khon Kaen University
  • Grichawat Lowatcharin Khon Kaen University
  • Vissanu Zumitzavan Khon Kaen University
  • Narongdet Mahasirikul Khon Kaen University
  • Panpun Ronghanam Khon Kaen University


Potential, Grassroots Economics, Economic Gardening, Local Administration Organization


This article aims to rank local governments in the dimensions of their potential, readiness to support the foundation economy in accordance with the economic gardening practices. Use survey method Data Collection Queries The units in the analysis use local governments. Executives from 72 agencies are key informants, analyzed by descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage statistics, and data in the set of attitude questions. The recognition of the role of the organization with the implementation of activities is in line with the promotion of the foundation economy, taken in order of ascending to the very least. To show potential rankings.

          The results of the research revealed that the current local government organizations have the potential to support the grassroots economics according to the economic gardening concept when the dimension of enthusiasm and awareness of local administrative organization executives and the readiness of the existing infrastructure are considered. The ranking of the potential and readiness to support the grassroots economics according to the economic plantation guideline, it was found that the top 10 consisted of 5 types of local government organizations and were distributed throughout the 4 regions of Thailand similarly. However, for the local government organization to be able to fully support, the appropriate mechanisms and drives are needed to improve and manage policies, regulations, legislation, and budgetary support.


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How to Cite

Prachumrasee, K., Laochankham, S., Lowatcharin, G., Zumitzavan, V. ., Mahasirikul, N., & Ronghanam, P. (2022). READINESS OF COMPETENCIES IN ECONOMIC GARDENING CONCEPT OF LOCAL ADMINISTRATION ORGANIZATIONS. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 11(3), 383–394. retrieved from