
  • Boonleang Thumthong Surindra Rajabhat University


Learning Loss, Covid-19, New Normal, Basic Education


Self-awareness of basic education learners in the situation of Covid-19 was the cause of the change in one’s own learning in a direction that tended to decrease. From studying the characteristics of the learning recession with the regression of learners at the basic education level from the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, it was found that educational institutions adopted variety of teaching and learning methods. There were variety of tools and technologies used in teaching and learning. Policy were modified for management and measurement and evaluation of educational institutions. The overall picture of the learners at the basic education level had a moderate level of perceived recession in learning. Self-direction in learner learning was a factor that directly and overall influenced the perception of learning recession among students of all grade levels. The approach to reducing learning recession to improve learner’ learning quality was motivating goal setting and self-direction of learners during teaching and learning management Parents and teachers should encourage learners to be aware and aware of the media. This included monitoring and supervising learners closely in accessing media that were not beneficial to learning or inappropriate media that may affect learning, characteristics, and learners’ physical and mental health. Parents may be involved in learning planning, monitoring, preparing, mentoring, and supporting learners’ learning and may communicate with teachers to inquire and follow up on learners’ learning activities.


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How to Cite

Thumthong, B. (2024). [RETRACTED ARTICLE] THE LEARNING LOSS OF BASIC EDUCATION LEARNERS IN THAILAND DURING THE COVID-19 SITUATION: CONDITIONS, CAUSES AND GUIDELINES FOR IMPROVING LEARNING QUALITY. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 13(3), 453–472. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/259188