Political Understanding, Democracy, PeopleAbstract
The objectives of this research paper were: 1. To study level of Political Understanding of People’s Democracy in Pak Kret Municipality Nonthaburi Province 2. To compare level of Political Understanding of People’s Democracy In Pak Kret Municipality Nonthaburi Province and 3. To propose the method for Political Understanding of People’s Democracy In Pak Kret Municipality Nonthaburi Province, Methodology was the mixed methods: The quantitative research, data were collected with questionnaires that had reliability value at 0.832 from 400 samples who were the people from 18 years old living at Pak Kret Municipality Nonthaburi Province. The qualitative research, data were collected from 8 key informants through in-depth-interviewing. Data were analyzed by content descriptive interpretation to confirm the model after the data analysis, analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.
The research findings were as follows. 1. Political Understanding of People’s Democracy was at the middle level and each aspect consisted of Fraternity, Equality, Sovereignty, and Rights and Liberties 2. People with different genders and education had political Understanding in the democratic system were overall and specifically not different and People with different educational levels had political Understanding in the democratic system. 3. Political Understanding of People’s Democracy is composed of Media exposure integration with Wisdom 3 to generate knowledge and understanding composed of wisdom resulting from the study; knowledge that is learned from others, wisdom resulting from reflection; knowledge that is thought out, and wisdom resulting from mental development.
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