Attitude, Political Parties, Itthipada 4Abstract
Objectives of this research paper were: 1. To study level of people’s attitudes towards the political parties, 2. To study the comparison of the people’s attitudes towards the political parties and 3. To study methods to enhance the political parties according to Itthipada 4. Methodologies were the mixed methods: The quantitative research, data were collected with questionnaires from 400 samples. The qualitative research, data were collected with structured in-depth-interview script from 8 key informants by in-depth-interviewing.
Findings were as follows: 1) Level of people’s attitudes towards political parties at Klong Luang District, Pathum Thani Province, by overall, were at middle level ( = 2.88). 2) People with different ages had different attitudes towards political Parties at statistically significant level at 0.05, People with different gender, education and occupation, by overall did not have different attitudes towards political parties. 3. Methods for political party enhancement according to Itthipada 4 were as follows: The part must issue the political party policy that is the real benefits for people and let people participate in policy formulation. Politicians the people expected are those who are honest, diligent, devoted, respecting others’ rights, attending to people sincerely. And Political parties should have roles in promoting people to participate in political activities. Political parties must be good examples in adhering to democratic ideology and there should be follow-up and evaluation of actual policy implementation.
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