Development, Effectiveness, Fruit Processing BusinessAbstract
Objectives of this research were: 1. To study entrepreneurship, creative thinking, innovation abilities and effectiveness of Fruit Processing Businesses in Chanthaburi Province, 2. To analyze the causal confirmatory factors affecting the effectiveness of Fruit Processing Businesses in Chanthaburi Province and 3. To study causal relationship with the Structural Equation Model and 4.To develop and present guidelines for effective development for Fruit Processing Business in Chanthaburi Province. The samples were 970 people of entrepreneurs and employees from Fruit Processing Business in Chanthaburi province.
The research results showed that: 1. By overall, Entrepreneur attribute were at high level, but creative thinking, innovation abilities and effectiveness of fruit processing businesses in Chanthaburi Province were at low level 2. All observational variables used in the study were confirmatory factors of the Structural Equation Model Valuable Chi-square = 116.05, df = 115, P-value = 0.4549, RMSEA = 0.009 and factor loading > 0.50, 3. Effectiveness of Fruit Processing Business in Chanthaburi Province received direct effects from Entrepreneur attributes factor at low level and creative thinking was at moderate level. Also, it was found that it received indirect effects from Entrepreneur attributes factor at moderate level and creative thinking was at moderate level through Innovation attributes. Moreover, all factors could predict dependent variable which was the Effectiveness of Fruit Processing Business at 89 percent with the 0.05 level of statistically significance, and 4. Effectiveness development approach of fruit processing business in Chanthaburi province consisted of 1) competence and business creativity development, 2) risk management development. 3) business strategy development, 4) Learning development, 5) change management and personnel development, 6) seeking business opportunities to create business growth.
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