
  • Supanna Phatarametravorakul Sukhothai Thammathirat University
  • Wittayatorn Torkaew Sukhothai Thammathirat University
  • Korrakoch kantaboon Sukhothai Thammathirat University


communication process, election, local politicians


communication process for the election of the local politicians is a political communication between a group of politicians and the audience. Political public relations are the tools to link information from political parties to the audience. Communication in the election campaign is necessary to use the communication process in the campaign. to create awareness knowledge and understanding in the same direction for both the sender and the receiver until the implementation (KAP). The communication process in the election campaign consists of research, goal setting. voter targeting, campaign message development, developing voter contact plan and making it happen This is the process of evaluating or analyzing factual information related to local elections determining what to do to win and the integration of all information to shape and develop election campaigns. It also needs to develop a plan to contact voters. This will require different communication methods according to the target audience that is expected to choose to receive the message. It also had to make it happen. This needs to be completed by meeting, inviting people. and strict adherence to the action plan, cautious, sincere, and straightforward with the voters. to ultimately win in the local elections as intended.


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How to Cite

Phatarametravorakul, S. ., Torkaew, W. ., & kantaboon, K. . (2022). COMMUNICATION PROCESS FOR THE ELECTION OF THE LOCAL POLITICIANS. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 11(6), A177-A196. retrieved from