
  • Kantima Pongnairat Faculty of Political Science and Law Burapha University


guidelines, welfare, elderly workers


To promote the economic system for the development of the country, it is truly necessary to rely on the working-age group. However, at the same time, the change in the population structure of the working-age group in Thailand has decreased. The working-age group is unable to respond to the demands of the labor market. If considering the potential of the elderly working group, it is found that they are highly experienced with significant knowledge and skills, which can replace the labor force rate of the working-age group as well as reducing social problems and the burden of the government in providing welfare and let them work with their full potential and provide equal and equity welfare for them. Therefore, it is the responsibility of all sectors to work in an integrated manner to jointly find the guidelines to provide appropriate welfare for the elderly working group.

From the above-mentioned information, the author is interested in studying the guidelines for the welfare provision for the elderly working group that deserves to be appropriately equal to those in other working-age groups in general. Thus, the author conducted a study based on documentary study from books, academic journals, and documents from relevant government agencies to find the guidelines to provide welfare for the elderly working group by focusing on the issue of welfare provision and integration from various agencies to benefit the overall economy and society of the country in the future.


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How to Cite

Pongnairat, K. (2023). GUIDELINES FOR WELFARE PROVISION FOR THE ELDERLY WORKING GROUP. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 12(2), A115-A129. Retrieved from