
  • Thanin Wadeesirisak Khon Kaen University
  • Auijit Pattanjak Khon Kaen University


Mathematical understanding, Flow of Lesson, Open-ended problematic situation


This research aimed to analyze student’s mathematical understanding through flow of lesson in open-ended problem solving in mathematics classroom using Lesson Study and Open Approach. The target group were grade 2 primary students from Thairathwittaya 84 (Bansamranphiafarn) School. Instruments used were 9 lesson plans and field notes, analyzed data according to Inprasitha (2016)’s flow of lesson framework by using student’s mathematical ideas in classroom by using open approach of Inprasitha (2011)’s framework with image, audio data and field note in an analytically descriptive format.

Findings were found that students expressed concrete ideas in order to present, represent and communicate the abstract meaning continuously as follows; 1) Representations of the real world. Students used picture, media, gesture and local language to represent their own ideas and explained what was involved in their life in the problematic situation. 2) Semi concrete aids. Students used wood blocks, tables, numbers, dots on dice, flowerbeds to represent their ideas that described their understanding in solving their own problems before getting into mathematics. 3) Representations of mathematical world. Students used numbers and mathematical symbols to represent the idea about mathematics by using numbers to represent objects. Students discussed and found conclusions by representing students’ real world through semi concrete aids for representations of Mathematical World.


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How to Cite

Wadeesirisak, T. ., & Pattanjak, A. . (2022). AN ANALSIS OF STUDENT’S MATHEMATICAL UNDERSTANDING THROUGH FLOW OF LESSON IN OPEN-ENDED PROBLEM SOLVING. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 11(6), R140-R154. retrieved from