Development, Competency, local administrative organizationAbstract
Objectives of this search article were: to study the general context, the process and to propose the approaches of personnel competency development of local administrative organization in Nonthaburi province according to Buddhism. Methodology was qualitative research conducted by in-depth interview 18 key informants and analyzed data by content analysis.
The findings were as follows: 1. The general context was the strength included the local administrative organization had a ready of place, the relative organization provided full support, the weakness was lack of continuous improvement and integration of Dharma for development of personnel competency, opportunity was there were resources for online learning and searching, personnel who have undergone training and competency development have high opportunities for advancement and the obstacle was there was an outbreak of the Covid-19 virus, so it can't do activities together and lack of budget for education. 2. The process included training, education and development to provide personnel with knowledge, abilities, skills and experiences and after that process of Physical development, moral development, mental development, intellectual development was the development of personnel to have a strong body, discipline, Strong-minded and wisdom. 3. The approaches of personnel competency development included achievement aspect included planning organizational environment renovation and motivation, good service aspect included skills development for service, modern technology using and communication, professional expertise aspect included training and development by duty, education and participation, ethical aspect included development of morality, ethics and good governance, cooperation aspect included skills development of teamwork and unity.
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