Innovation Leadership, Organizational Culture, Organizational Effectiveness.Abstract
The Purpose of this Correlational Descriptive Research was to examine the Relationship Model. Research methodology to Descriptive Research by Survey Research. The research samples were 316 from the population of 1,427 people Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand Administrators. The simple sampling method was employed in this research. The instrument was a 5 rating scale questionnaire. The reliability of questionnaire in the form of an alpha coefficient was 0.974. The statistical data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, structural equation modeling analysis, and path analysis.
The findings of this research study revealed that the relationship model among Innovation Leadership, Organizational Culture and Organizational Effectiveness of Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand are correlated and was fit to the empirical data (χ2=365.146, df=302, p-value=0.21, χ2/df =1.21, GFI= 0.91, AGFI=0.97, RMSEA= 0.03, RMR=0.01, CFI= 0.99).Innovation Leadership had the direct effects on Organizational Culture (β=0.60, p-value<.05), and on Organizational Effectiveness of Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (β =0.43, p-value<.05); Organizational Culture had the direct effect on Organizational Effectiveness of Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (β=0.61, p-value <.05); and Innovation Leadership had the indirect effect on Organizational Effectiveness of Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand through Organizational Culture (β =0.71, p-value < .05).
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