
  • Matana Mektrong Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Wanchai Meesiri Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Quality of work, New Normal, Iddhipada-4


This article focuses on the importance of quality of work life for organizations. In terms of adequate compensation working conditions prosperity and advancement in work including equality in the organization that affect the productivity of personnel. This is the cornerstone of the organization's development. In this case changing society in economically, politically, and socially and preventing the spread of COVID-19 made people stressed, worried, financially, work, suffering physically and mentally. Many people have to work from home, maintain social distance to prevent spreading of Covid-19. Lifestyle and work in a new way like this is called New Normal causing many organizations to adjust to keep up by applying the Iddhipada 4 that are considered a practical guideline that will lead to success, adapt and apply them to the current situation. In order to create satisfaction in the quality of work (Chanda), the determination to work hard (Viriya) and empathy (Citta) are responsible for their duties. and develop oneself to be ready with social changes to create a better work efficiency. By using wisdom in thinking and contemplating carefully in the work (Vimangsa), when fully complying with the Iddhipada 4, the results obtained will help in the matter of increasing the productivity of the organization. Help improve the potential of workers Improves the morale of the operators. As well as being a motivation to work.


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How to Cite

Mektrong, M., & Meesiri, W. . (2022). QUALITY OF WORK AFFECTS THE PRODUCTIVITY OF PEOPLE IN THE NEW NORMAL ERA . Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 11(5), A47-A58. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/254969