Public Policy, Marine and Coastal Resources, Resources ManagementAbstract
Marine and coastal resources belong to every single person in the country. The government, as a people representative has formulated the marine and coastal resources policy This article presents information as follows: 1. The development of a policy in terms of management of marine and coastal resources in the National Economic and Social Development Plan, No. 1-12 included both encouraging the use of the resources for the economic benefits only and the period that encouraged to conserve the resources and involving of the coastal community in resources management. 2. The current marine and coastal resource management policies have the Act enacted to promote marine and coastal resource allocation B.E. 2558 and issue the regulation for all citizens. This action helps increase the participation of coastal communities and local administrative organizations in resource management. This included in the information provision, listening to feedback and the co-action and follow-up the results. However, in many cases, the communities have no decision to take the necessary and proper measures, so the policy should be reviewed and improved to increase participation in the co-management between the state and the coastal community.
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