Indicators, competency, educational research, the digital age, Graduate Diploma Program in Teaching ProfessionAbstract
The purposes of this research were 1. to develop of educational research competency in the digital age factors and indicators for students in Graduate Diploma Program in Teaching Profession and 2. to examine the construct validity of the elements and indicators for educational research competency in the digital age for students in Graduate Diploma Program in Teaching Profession. The sample groups were 600 students in Graduate Diploma Program in Teaching Profession. They were chosen by using multi-stage random sampling. The research instruments used for data collection were semi-structured interviews and the competency assessment form, based on five-rating scale. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and checking for structural validity using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) with LISREL program and content analysis.
The findings were as follows: 1) The indicators for educational research competency in the digital age consisted of 5 components and 11 indicators: 1. determination of research problems, 2. collection and search, 3. knowledge summarization, 4. communication and presentation, and 5. ethics and morality of researchers. 2) Regarding the examination of the construct validity of factors and the indicators for educational research competency in the digital age ( =36.62, df= 33, p=0.30, RMSEA=0.01) Therefore, the educational research competency in the digital age could be used to determine the expected learning outcomes and could be used as a guideline in the design of a learning management that fosters students in Graduate Diploma Program in Teaching Profession to have the educational research competency effectively further.
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