Relationship Enhancement, School, CommunityAbstract
The research article aimed at studying the level of relationship enhancement between schools and communities of schools under Saraburi Primary Education Service Area Office 2 as well as exploring the guidelines for relationship enhancement between schools and communities of schools under Saraburi Primary Education Service Area Office 2. The study applied a mixed method research. A sample group for quantitative method were administrators, teachers, basic education commission per academic year B.E. 2563; all together in a total of 206 persons by way of Krejcie & Morgan table. For qualitative method, the key informants were 12 experts by means of purposefully selecting. The research instruments were a questionnaire with reliability value equal to 0.973 and a in-depth-interview script to collect data from key informants. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, average, and standard deviation (S.D.). The content descriptive interpretation was used to summarize the important data from the key informants.
Findings were found that 1. Results of relationship enhancement between schools and communities by overall were found to be at a moderate level. When considering each aspect, there were 3 aspects: activity arrangement, support, and roles of the basic education commission. There were 2 aspects that were at a low level starting from school public relations and followed by community service. 2.The results from exploring the guidelines for relationship enhancement between schools and communities according to the viewpoints of experts, it could be summarized that schools should be proactive in all forms of public relations in order for the community to be aware of the school administrative management, the overall operation, problems, including the guidelines for the community to participate and assist.
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