Management, Groundwater Bank, Drought and FloodAbstract
Objectives of this research were to: 1. Study the consistent of model of groundwater bank management for sustainable solutions of drought and flood in Ubonratchathani Province with empirical data, 2. Analyze factors affecting groundwater bank management model, and 3. Propose a model of groundwater bank management. Mixed methods research was designed by using parallel and equal quantitative and qualitative methods. Data were collected from people from Nam Yuen District, Ubonratchathani Province with 423 samples using two-stage random sampling, 19 key informants, and focus group discussion with 9 experts from officers, community leaders, and educators. The research instruments were questionnaires, interview scripts and focus group discussion form. Quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and structural equation model analysis whereas qualitative data was analyzed by analytic induction.
Results showed that 1. Model of groundwater bank management for sustainable solutions of drought and flood in Ubonratchathani Province fit with the empirical data which showed chi-squared = 88.60; df = 80; p =.239; RMSEA = .016; GFI =.980; AGFI =.950, all variables within the model can explain the achievement of groundwater bank management at 100 percent. 2. There were 3 factors affecting model of groundwater bank management for sustainable solutions of drought and flood in Ubonratchathani Province which were 1) leadership factors, 2) factors management according to the principles of good governance, and 3) the principle of Iddhipada IV. 3) Model of groundwater bank management was proposed, and it found that Iddhipada IV was a mediator between both management factors in accordance with good governance and leadership factors with the achievement of groundwater bank management.
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