Monk’s Participation, Local Culture Conservation, Ratchaburi ProvinceAbstract
Objectives of this research were to study the general conditions, process and present the development model. This research used a qualitative research methodology for collecting field data by in-depth interviews with 25 key informants by using a structured interview form with a content validity index (S-CVI) of 1.00 as a tool for data collection and Focus group discussion with 8 experts by analyzing the data with contextual content analysis techniques.
The findings of this research were as following; 1. Monks had a lot of local cultural heritage with historical value within their temples. 2. The monks gave opportunities to stakeholders in the area to participate in formulating policies and plans. Monks were the leaders in the operation, emphasizing the correctness in accordance with the principles of Vinaya and the rule the laws. Assessment of the operation according to the program by focusing on the cost-effectiveness assessment by comparing the results obtained with the budget or wasted resources, participated in solving various problems in order of necessity and urgency. 3. The development model of monk’s participation in local art and culture conservation in Ratchaburi Province was found that it was a form of participation in the implementation process to solve problems and develop the conservation of local art and culture by using strengths to drive opportunities, using opportunities to reduce weaknesses, using strengths to cope with obstacles and fix weaknesses while avoiding obstacles in the process of local arts and culture conservation in Ratchaburi Province by integrating Ditthadhammikattha-samvattanika-dhamma principle to cover all 4 aspects.
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