
  • Poom Moolsilpa Srinakharinwirot University


Political Motivated Action, Transitional Justice, Prosecution


The study on Politically Motivated Action had the objectives: 1. To listen the opinions of protests groups, those who have been affected by protest gatherings, and relevant politicians on the essence of defining the term “Politically Motivated action” 2. to define the term “Politically Motivated Action” as a foundation to foster reconciliation and 3. to create a conducive environment for reconciliation in society. This research study comprised of documentary research studies and in-depth interviews with stakeholders in order to collect data and analyse the gathered information.

The results of the study found that the term politically motivated action has no precise definition. However, it may be defined as actions based on ideas related to political turmoil or the desire to achieve a certain political goal during times of conflict or political unrest. For creating an atmosphere of reconciliation in society, the transitional justice process should be carried out. For the enactment of a law related to reconciliation in Thailand, the key principle shall be aspecial prosecution that separate political motivated action from general crimes for amnesty that conform to the international standard.


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How to Cite

Moolsilpa, P. . (2022). POLITICAL MOTIVATED ACTION. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 11(1), 89–100. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/253807