Management, Cultural Tourism, Ratchaburi ProvinceAbstract
Objectives of this research were to study the general condition, procedures and present the model. The research methodology was the qualitative research. Data were collected from 25 key informants by indepth-interview with structured in-depth-interview script that had scale-level content validity index of 1.00 as the data collection tool. The data received were analyzed by content with context analysis technique. Twelve academic dignitaries participated in the focus group discussion, and the data received were analyzed by content with context analysis technique.
The research results were found that 1. The monasteries had strong and prominent community identity, cultural capital, but some monks still lacked the necessary knowledge for cultural tourism management. 2. The process of management was found that the preparation of a plan by emphasizing the participation of all groups of stakeholders. The organizational aspects, the roles and duties in each position within the temple, were the clearly defined, the personnel arrangement, household personnel should be the local people in order to create jobs and build up good relationships with the community. The management aspect was to avoid conflicts that may occur in all cases, etc. And supervision aspect, such as operations according to the planned work should be regularly monitored. 3. The model of management was found that the use of local cultural heritage or material culture as tourist attractions, including the introduction of technology to assist the journey by providing the route map on the temple's webpage. The facilities including facilitating the provision of food, drink and souvenir shops. In terms of services, such as providing a service system for tourism information of the temple should be provided.
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