The threefold learning, Wellness tourism, KhaoyaiAbstract
Objectives were to 1. Study factors affected the enhancement of wellness tourism policy for sustainable development at Khaoyai National Park Nakronratchasima Province. 2. Study factors of the causal model of enhancement wellness tourism policy for sustainable development at Khaoyai National Park Nakronratchasima Province. 3. To develop a model of the creative enhancement wellness tourism policy for sustainable development at Khaoyai National Park Nakronratchasima Province. Research methodology was the mixed methods: 1) Qualitative research collected data by in-depth interviewing 19 key informants 2) Quantitative research collected data from 550 samples. The research instruments were interview forms, questionnaires. Qualitative data were analyzed using content and inductive conclusion creation and analyzed quantitative data using descriptive statistics. Analyzed correlations using applied statistics.
The research findings were as follows: 1) Factors affected the wellness tourism policy enhancement for sustainable development at Khaoyai National Park Nakronratchasima Province consisted of support and development of enhancement, support of investment of entrepreneur, support basic factor of tourism, support of marketing and public relations. 2) The causal model of wellness tourism policy enhancement for sustainable development at Khaoyai National Park, Nakronratchasima Province consisted of 2 external latent variables and 3 internal latent variables 3) To develop a model of the creative wellness tourism policy enhancement for sustainable development at Khaoyai National Park Nakronratchasima Province. The model was consistent with the empirical data with the qui-square value at 4.49, df = 2, p = .106 and explained the variance at 89.00 percent.
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