Ethical leadership, School administrator, Lop Buri Provincial EducationAbstract
The purposes of this research were: 1) Study level of ethical leadership of secondary education school administrator under Lop Buri Provincial Education. And 2) Comparing ethical leadership of secondary education school administrator under Lop Buri Provincial Education classified by sex, age, education level and work experience. It was quantitative research. The sample groups were 302 teachers in secondary education school administrator under Lop Buri Provincial Education. Obtained by Stratified sampling. The Tools used to collect information were questionnaires with 5 levels of estimation scale. Statistical data were analyzed by using a computer program. The analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and f-test.
The research results revealed that: 1) Level of ethical leadership of secondary education school administrator under Lop Buri Provincial Education, overall and each aspect very level, found that sorted from the side with the highest average to the lowest: trust, fairness, Honestly and responsibility. 2) Comparison results of ethical leadership of secondary education school administrator under Lop Buri Provincial Education classified by sex, age, education level and work experience found that: sex, age, education level and work experience were different, ethical leadership of secondary education school administrator under Lop Buri Provincial Education were differed not statistically.
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