
  • Pruettipong Chakkaphak Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Development, Human Capital, Public Administration


          Objectives of this article were to study human capital development according to the guidelines of public administration. This study by applying the theoretical concepts in public administration as a guideline for human capital development through the synthesis of documents research. The study was found that Human capital development according to the guidelines of public administration was related to the concept of human relations and organizational humanism. Emphasizing the development of human capital as an internal factor affecting factors outside the organization from the synthesis of the theory of public administration study human behavior the human capital development approach according to the public administration approach should have the following elements: 1) creating an organizational atmosphere for the transfer of learning 2) using positive reinforcement methods. and 3) The organization should focus on training or coaching. In addition, the potential strengths of human capital to develop. Without limiting the scope of talent of personnel It will help the personnel within the organization to be used for the benefit of their organization and to create a competitive advantage and increase their persistence within the organization.


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How to Cite

Chakkaphak, P. . (2021). HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT APPROACH IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 10(2), 354–363. retrieved from