Development, Administration, Community learning center inside the templeAbstract
Objectives of this article were 1) To study the factors affecting administration of center 2) To development a model framework of administration of center and 3) To development of a casual relationship model for administration of center. Using a research mixed methods: 1) Qualitative research with in-depth interviews with 22 key informants 2) Quantitative research by sampling with 450 samples. The research instruments were interview forms, questionnaires. Qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis and inductive conclusion creation. Analyze quantitative data using descriptive statistics. Analyze correlations using software packages. Analyze to examine the validation of the model and analyze direct and indirect influence sizes with LISREL program.
The research findings were as follows: 1) The factors affecting administration of center consist of administration, supporting factors and leadership. 2) The Developed model framework consists of 2 external latent variables, namely administration, supporting factors and 2 internal latent variables: Leadership and development and 3) The model was consistent with the empirical data with the qui-square value at 50.00, degree of freedom at 38, probability at .092, goodness of fit index was at .942, and root mean square error of approximation was at .026. Explain the variance of the development at 77.30 percent. Direct influences of administration, supporting factors and leadership with influence value at -.130, .735 and .342 respectively. Indirect influence of administration, supporting factors and leadership through leadership variables with influence value at .106 and .160 respectively. Leadership variables that were directly influenced by administration and supporting factors with influence value at .309 and .466, respectively, with the statistical significance value at 0.01.
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