Model, Management, Restoration, Palm leaf scripturesAbstract
Objectives of this research article were to analyze the general condition, process and propose a model of palm leaf scripture restoration management using the qualitative research, data were collected from 20 key informants by in-depth interviews and from 10 participants in focus group discussion, purposefully selected and analyzed data by descriptive interpretation. Findings were that 1. The palm leaf scriptures are still in good condition but monasteries did not have enough personnel and lacked knowledge and budget for operation. 2. The management process had 2 major issues: 1) Basic issue; inventory, separation, cleaning etc. 2) Specific issue; the use of specific techniques for management. 3. A model of the management consisted of 9 parts: 3.1 clear policy for palm leaf scripture restoration, 3.2 dissemination of knowledge from the palm leaf scriptures to the public with information communication technologies, 3.3 use of modern technologies for modern and agile management, 3.4 complete registering and cataloging, 3.5 inventory and repairing the damaged ones to be in good condition, 3.6 duplicating the palm leaf scriptures with digital system for research, 3.7 temperature control for special scriptures for stativity, 3.8 exchange, duplicate, transfer and translate the palm leaf scriptures into foreign languages, 3.9 set up retrieving system both in house and by internet.
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