Factors affecting the success, Networking, Elderly schoolAbstract
Objectives of this research article were to study the managerial factors affecting the success of the educational network of the elderly school. The study used quantitative research approach. The samples of this research were 228 personnel who worked in the model elderly schools. The tools used in the research were questionnaires that were related to policy and strategy, collaboration, management process, leadership, local political factors and the success of the educational networking of the elderly schools. Statistics used in data analysis were correlation and multiple regression analysis. Findings were that leadership (= 4.06, S.D.=.586) management processes (
=3.82, S.D.=.548), collaboration (
= 3.90, S.D.= .519 ) policy and strategy (
= 4.04, S.D.= .585) and local politics (
= 3.70, S.D.= .648) with Beta value at 0274,230,0178,.156 and .144.accordingly and statistically significant value at 0.05. Suggestions from this study were that the successful management of the elderly schools should emphasize job-oriented leadership with creative thinking to develop the elderly schools. Leaders must have open characteristics, welcoming new experiences and can work well with others Management process factors should focus on planning and leading that were the most important to the success in networking. The evaluation, controlling and organizing factors were the second level importance.
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