
  • Mukrawe Chimphanao Naresuan University


Public Policy Studies, Discourse, Discursive Public Policy


This article aimed to focus on the public policy that began from the mainstream of public policy, which based on the scientific knowledge or known as “Positivism” that valued and emphasized  empirical evidence. Even though this public policy study which related to positivism is easier to measure the outcome of a policy but it completely separated facts and values which has caused the public policy formulation to unable to solve problems as the people need. The academics have used a critical study method to criticize the mainstream of public policy studies approach and set up the new public policy studies approach known as post-positivism. The new guidelines for public policy studies that followed post-positivism concept which had a broader logic and emphasis on democratic participation such as discussion policy analysis, argumentation including study the influences of public policy formulation that planned by the government. The discursive public policy study is a method that the government needs to achieve people's cooperation and the acceptance or compliance with the government policies through the discourses practice.


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How to Cite

Chimphanao, M. (2020). PUBLIC POLICY STUDIES AND DISCOURSE PERSPECTIVE. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 9(4), 293–305. retrieved from