
  • Paitoon Parinyatummakul Mahachulalongkornrajavidhayalaya University
  • Yuttana Praneet Mahachulalongkornrajavidhayalaya University
  • Surapon Suyaprom Mahachulalongkornrajavidhayalaya University


Local government, Special Model, Mae Sot City Municipality


Objectives of this research were to study the problems, local specific factors of local administration and to propose a special form of local administration according to local factors of Mae Sot City Municipality, Tak Province. Using the mixed methods: The quantitative research, data were collected by questionnaires from samples of 399 people, analyzed by descriptive statistics. Qualitative research, data were collected by in-depth-interviewing 20 key informants and analyzed by descriptive content interpretation. Findings of the research were as follows: 1. Problems in the Mae Sot Municipality, effects of urbanization, such as life style, occupation and culture and freedom, urban development strategy, specific area characteristics, space allocation, ethnicity and culture, welfares allocation, and identity protection, 2. Local specific factors and the relationship in special Local Administration of Mae Sot City Municipality by overall was at  high level (gif.latex?\bar{X}=3.53). Considering each aspect, namely the impact of urbanization (gif.latex?\bar{X}=3.80), the urban development strategy (gif.latex?\bar{X}=3.55), the specific area characteristics (gif.latex?\bar{X}=3.46), and the ethnic and cultural aspects were at the moderate levels (gif.latex?\bar{X}=3.41), respectively. 3. Local Administration model, a special form of local administration of Mae Sot City Municipality, Tak Province, according to the principles of Aparihaniyadhamma by allowing people to join and listen to and study the impacts of urbanization Joining to the rules harmony, making people of different nations live in peace. Allowing people to participate in urban development activities Adhering to the principles of coexistence of the cultural diversity, conservation of local traditions, recognition of equality to ethnic diversity, respect for local authority rules, giving importance to economic development, trade and investment.


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How to Cite

Parinyatummakul, P., Praneet, Y. ., & Suyaprom, S. . (2021). SPECIAL MODEL OF LOCAL ADMINISTRATION OF MAE SOT CITY MUNICIPALITY, TAK PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 10(1), 66–77. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/246473