
  • PhrakhruUdomthammaros (ChayutAsiñāno) Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Prasert Thilo Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Surapon Suyaprom Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Proactive Roles, Quality of Life


The objective of this research were : 1) to study General Status the Proactive Roles of  Sangkha for Promoting The People’s Quality of Life in Chonburi Province,  2) to study the roles Proactive Roles of  Sangkha for Promoting The People’s Quality of Life in Chonburi Province, and 3) to study the problem,barriers and ways to promote the Proactive Roles of  Sangkha for Promoting The People’s Quality of Life in Chonburi Province. This research is a qualitative research (Qualitative Research) used in this study was a structured interview (Structured Interview) used in-depth interviews (In-depth Interview) 25 Person research studies using qualitative research. (Qualitative)

The findings of this research are as follows : -

1.The present time the participation of the monk aboutProactiveRoles of Sangkha for Promoting the People’s Quality of Life in Chonburi Province found that the temple is the center of community since the past up to now. The temple should play the major role as the past for the good quality of life and should be the center of promoting the quality of life and well beings of the people.

2.The Promoting The People’s Quality of Life in Chonburi Province, 1) Buddhist Propagation: The monks have the role to propagate the Buddhism for developing the mind with Dhamma for the usefulness of people and developed society. 2) Mental development Proactive Roles ofSangkha for Promoting The People’s Quality of Life in Chonburi Province by applying the Dhamma with activities for control the mind of people. 3) Public Welfare: The temple play the major to develop the quality of life of the people inWatNok, Muang District, Chonburi Province.

3) The Proactive Roles of Sangkha for Promoting The People’s Quality of Life in Chonburi Province to promote the  Proactive Roles of  Sangkha for Promoting The People’s Quality of Life in Chonburi Province. The people do not go to temple and the people do not accept the temple as the life development center, 1. Body system monks behavior the temple example to take care the body of quality 2. Spiritual Monk have kindness to the people should give dhammateaching and training to the people   4. Economic to be about sufficiency economy suing to development the community of Chonburi 4. Social to promote family institution and daily give knowledge and soul the problem of life  5. Environment giving the reason of people.Suggestions: The temple should cooperate seriously to develop the quality of life and should propagate the Dhamma or Buddhism in the approach. It means the temple should teach the people without going to good Body, Spiritual, Economics, Society and Environment etc.


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How to Cite

(ChayutAsiñāno), P. ., Thilo, P., & Suyaprom, S. (2018). PROACTIVE ROLES FOR PROMOTING THE PEOPLE’S QUALITY OF LIFE IN CHONBURI PROVINCE . Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 7(2-2), 291–300. retrieved from