
  • PhrakhruBowornkitkhunatharn (Anan Worapunyo) Mahachulalongkornjaraviyalaya University
  • Buddhisaro Buddhisaro Mahachulalongkornjaraviyalaya University
  • PhramahaKrisada Kittisobhano Mahachulalongkornjaraviyalaya University


The Communication, Buddhism propagation


Objectives of this research were :  1.To study the communication for Buddhism  propagation of Buddhist monks in NongChok District, Bangkok; 2.To compare the communication for Buddhism propagation of Buddhist monks in NongChok District. Bangkok and  3. To study the problem. obstacles and suggestions for  communication for Buddhism propagation of Buddhist monks in Nong Chok. Bangkok.

             Methodology was mixed methods: The quantitative research collected data from  198 samples who were monks in Nong Chok district with questionnaires that had  reliability value at 0.959. The data were analyzed by computer program or research in social sciences. Statistics used in data analysis were descriptive statistics;  frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and one-way ANOVA (F-test).  In the case of three or more variables, the mean difference was calculated by using the Least Significant Difference (LSD.) Method. The significant level was fixed at 0.05. The qualitative research collected from key 10 informants with in-depth-interview and analyzed data by descriptive interpretation and context content analysis technique.


Findings were as follows:.

    1.The monks’ opinion towards the communication for Buddhism propagation of Buddhist monks in Nong Chok district. Bangkok by overall were at average level  ( =2.72, S.D. = 0.931) each aspects were also at average level as;  tSender was at ( =2.87, S.D. = 0.964) message of religious beliefs was at (  = 2.87, S.D. = 0.964)  the receivers were at ( =2.77, S.D. = 0.914)  and the exceptions of communication channels were at  low level (  = 2.39, S.D. = 1.075) respectively.

  1. 2. Comparison of monks' opinions on sermon, methods for propagation of Buddhist monks in Kaeng Choi district classified by personal factors, were that the monks with different age, ordained years, Dhamma and Pali educational levels and formal educational levels had different opinions toward the communication of Buddhism propagation of Buddhist monks in Nong Chok district wth significant level set at 0.05.
  2. 3. Problems obstacles and recommendation were that, 1) Sender, monks were limited to cover the large areas, so there should be teams of well trained sender-monks, 2) Message of Buddhism, monks lacked of profound content and knowledge in planning for work. There should be teaching teams to train monks how to use the right message of Buddhism, 3) Channel, monks lacked modern equipment and technology to disseminate Buddhism, High ranking monks should support more of this activities, 4) Receiver, monks lacked working media and worker for disseminating Buddhism to receivers correctly. There should be more support of disseminating media more than the present time.


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How to Cite

(Anan Worapunyo) , P., Buddhisaro , B., & Kittisobhano, P. . . (2018). COMMUNICATION FOR THE PROPAGATION BUDDHISM OF BUDDHIST MONKS IN NONGCHOK DISTRICT. BANGKOK. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 7(2-2), 419–431. retrieved from