
  • Sanu Mahatthanadull Mahachulalongkornjaraviyalaya University


This is a qualitative research with two objectives, namely; 1) to study the criteria for the Five Precepts in the Buddhist scriptures and the operating standard for the Five Precepts Villages project, 2) to develop and present the norm of the criteria for the Five Precepts for the promotion of peace of the person and society. The findings show the criteria of the Five Precepts are important standard in terms of the practical observance of the pañcasīla. While the Forty-indicator standard for the implementation of the Five Precepts village is a key success of the project. The development of criteria for the Five Precepts is cautiously carried out in order to get two new criteria:- 1) a developed criterion for diagnosis the status of the Five Precepts, and 2) a developed criterion for diagnosis the penalty of violated Precepts. Lastly, the norm of the criteria for the Five Precepts shows the fivefold peace; peace of life, asset, couple, data and information, and wisdom respectively.


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How to Cite

Mahatthanadull, S. . . (2018). THE FIVE PRECEPTS: CRITERIA AND THE PROMOTION OF INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIAL PEACE. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 7(2-2), 494–504. retrieved from