
  • Siwarin Saengawoot Phranakhon Rajabhat University


Errors in Writing Thai Chinese Students


The research on “An Analysing of the Errors in Writing Thai by Thai Majoring Chinese Students to Study in Yunnan Province China” aims to study and analyse the mistakes in Thai writing made by Thai Majoring Chinese students who study in Yunnan Province in China. Samples that were used in this study were essays of 40 Thai Majoring Chinese Students from universities in Yunnan Province in China. The researcher assigned each Chinese students to complete five Thai writing tests papers. There are: essay writing in specific topic, descriptive writing from the given picture, translate Chinese into Thai, make sentences from the given words and having dictation. A total of 200 valid test papers were recovered and were analyzed and presented the results in the descriptive analysis. The results of this research show that there were 3 aspects of errors in Writing Thai by Thai Majoring Chinese Students to Study in Yunnan Province China which are: 1. Spelling errors in five aspects: initial consonant spelling mistakes, vowels spelling mistakes, last consonant spelling mistakes, tone marks writing mistakes and mistakes in orthography. 2. Word usage errors in six aspects: errors in using nouns, errors in using pronouns, errors in using verbs, errors in using extension words, errors in using adjective and errors in using transliteration from English into Thai. 3. Sentence structure errors in nine aspects: syntactical errors by the lack of essential words, syntactical errors by adding unnecessary words, syntactical error by placing words in an incorrect order, syntactical errors by the lack of conjunction, syntactical errors by using wrong conjunctions, syntactical errors by the lack of adjectives, errors in making sentences with incomplete meaning, errors in expressing and syntactical errors by using phrase in mother tongue. The Thai writing errors of Chinese students are caused by eight factors, there are: 1. wrong pronunciation, 2. a lack of Thai language grammatical knowledge, 3. have no notion of the use of word, 4. limited vocabulary, 5. have no notion of using transliterated word, 6. lack of comprehension of Thai grammer, 7. have no notion of the use of sentences, 8. keep using Chinese grammar structure.


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How to Cite

Saengawoot, S. . (2020). AN ANALYSING OF THE ERRORS IN WRITING THAI BY THAI MAJORING CHINESE STUDENTS TO STUDY IN YUNNAN PROVINCE CHINA. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2), 133–144. retrieved from