Sociological Concept and Crime Study


  • Panipha Suksom Kasetsart University


Sociological concept, Crime study


          Crime study has been recognized by many scholars from different academic disciplines. For Sociology, it has been perceieved as a “social phenomenon” which is inevitably related to social structure and social process. Thus, Sociologists are attempted to conceptualize the knowledge of crime in order to deeply understand the crime issues. This article is mainly aimed to explore the previous sociological concept of crime during the twentieth century, the redicalising traditions in the 1960s and crime study in during the late modernity in respectively. According to the development of crime study, all afforts have perceieved crime as a social productivity. All establishment and dynamic of crime study are mostly relied on the different social context as well as social change.


๑. ภาษาไทย
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How to Cite

Suksom, P. (2020). Sociological Concept and Crime Study. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 4(3), 293–306. retrieved from