Environmental Management in Temple as the Ecological In Line with Buddhist Integration of Sangkha in Saraburi Province
Environmental Management, Ecology, Buddhist IntegrationAbstract
The objectives of this study were 1) to study the present states and the problems for environmental management in temple in Saraburi Province 2) to study the process for environmental management in temple as the ecological In line with Buddhist integration of Sangkha in Saraburi Province and 3) to purpose the trend environmental management in temple as the ecological in line with Buddhist integration of Sangkha in Saraburi Province. The research used qualitative research by documentary research with in-depth interview. Data was collected qualitative data using in-depth interviews by structure interview form with 25 executives and data analyzed by descriptive.
The research findings were as follows:
1) The present states and the problems for environmental management in temple at Saraburi Province found that the problems of environmental management in temple as follows 1) The problem from the waste that came from tourist area in the temple. 2) The problem from the community resistance about landscape improving 3) The promotion for youth education and conscious through activities will be held on Saturday and Sunday.
2. The environment management process in temple as the ecological In line with Buddhist integration of Sangkha in Saraburi Province should be promote the participation role according to the condition of welfare as follows 1) The unity of meeting that will be reconsider any projects that the people plan it. 2) The unity of environment network who should be summarized each project. 3) The unity for the giving precedence to the people who work about environment and conservative group. 4) The unity for the conduction oneself follow law and social regulation.5) To building the consciousness and body of knowledge for the youth. 7) The unity for the seeing with the person who break the law 8) The stage setting for public hearing. 8) The fairness budget supporting in the environment issue from the temple.
3. The environment management process in temple as the ecological In line with Buddhist integration of Sangkha in Saraburi Province trends as follows 1) The potential of environment network setting 2) The annual action plan setting 3) The unity in meeting 4) The plan that follow existent regulation 5) The Royalty of leadership 6) The plan for protection of the Buddhist in the community 7) The plan for holy places and protect the ruins and ancient remain places follow the environment law.
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