Sappurisa-dhamma 7 Leader Trait of Community Leaders in Municipality Area of Phranakorn Si Ayutthaya Province


  • Aphichat Phansuwan Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat University


Community Leader Trait, Sappurisa-Dhamma 7, Municipalities, Ayutthaya


The object of this research is to study the expectation of the quality of community leadership in municipal area in Ayutthaya province. This research focuse on the leaders with seven sappurisadham research is conducted by questionnaire questions of personal factors, The leaders with sappurisadham and general condition of community.Total  398 cepies were sets of data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, frequency, mean and standard deviation. Hypothesis were tested by t-test, ONE WAY ANOVA test and multiple linear regression equation. The results showed that Personal factors have not different effects on different opinions about community leader trait principles sappurisadhamma 7and the general condition of the community. Community-based leader trait principles sappurisadhamma 7 have influence on the general condition of the community in a positive way in three areas such as knowing oneself, knowing the personal individual and knowing the society, respectively.


๑. ภาษาไทย
(๑) หนังสือ
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How to Cite

Phansuwan, A. . (2015). Sappurisa-dhamma 7 Leader Trait of Community Leaders in Municipality Area of Phranakorn Si Ayutthaya Province. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 4(2), 231–240. retrieved from