The Development of Learning Management Process with The Participation of Phrapariyattidhamma Schools, General Education Section, Nakhon Sawan Province


  • Witchaya Phamethi Worachat Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University


Process Development, Learning Management, Learning Management, Participation


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the development of learning management process with the participation of Phrapariyattidhamma schools, General Education Section, Nakhon Sawan Province, 2) to study the factors affecting the development of learning management process with the participation of Phrapariyattidhamma schools, General Education Section, Nakhon Sawan Province, and 3) to study the ways for the development of learning management process with the participation of Phrapariyattidhamma schools, General Education Section, Nakhon Sawan Province.

             This research was the Qualitative Research with the Focus Group Discussion and In-Depth Interview from the informants to manage the learning with the participation of Phrapariyattidhamma schools, General Education Section, Nakhon Sawan Province consisting of the school administrators, the teachers, the representatives of parents, the representatives of communities, and the students.

             Results of the Research

             The development of learning management process with the participation of Phrapariyattidhamma schools, General Education Section, Nakhon Sawan Province was found that the good development of the learning process in the participation would consist of the group process. Working in group of the students would make the exchange of knowledge together. Convicting all teachers and students set the same goal in the development of the learning process. Checking and monitoring the outcome, improving the approach and process. The school administrators, teachers, parents and students participated in the education management and the meeting occasionally in the semester.

             The factors affecting the development of learning management process with the participation of Phrapariyattidhamma schools, General Education Section, Nakhon Sawan Province were to set the frame or the structure clearly, teach in according to the teaching plan in each subject, manage the learning in according to the teaching plan by using the curriculum of the Ministry, perform in the policy of the administrators and help together in the development of the learning process of each school in the same way.

             The ways for the development of learning management process with the participation of Phrapariyattidhamma schools, General Education Section, Nakhon Sawan Province were that the students at Phrapariyattidhamma schools had the different basic of the knowledge, were shy, and did not make in the group with the better developed students. Therefore, the teachers should apply the technology for the teaching. The students would make the intention, do the activities in the classroom and provide the field trip with asking for the cooperation from the private organizations, the village health volunteers and the Committee of Education Institutions in all the public and private institutions participating in the development of learning management process, the development of the teaching process of the teachers, providing the training between the teachers and the students to make the learning and teaching efficient, make the relationship between the teachers and the students, make the teaching plan and make the teaching process interesting in learning and teaching. 


๑. ภาษาไทย
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How to Cite

Phamethi Worachat, W. . (2015). The Development of Learning Management Process with The Participation of Phrapariyattidhamma Schools, General Education Section, Nakhon Sawan Province. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 4(2), 135–146. retrieved from